List of CSA'S on PEI
A list of CSA's (Community Supported Agriculture) on PEI prepared by the PEI Food Exchange.
CSA's are a way for eaters to get food directly from local farmers. Each farmer will have their own version of the CSA model and this is normally detailed on their website. Please talk to your farmer about their farming methods if that's important to you.
Many CSA's are seasonal and the model is also used for things other than veggies.
Last update: June 21st, 2024

The Burly Farmer - pesticide free veggie CSA
Urban farm in Charlottetown
Veggie stand is open on Saturday at the The Mount on Mount Edward Road, Charlottetown. (look for the greenhouse)
Contact on facebook

Compton's Vegetable Stand - veggie and fruit boxes and themed preserving kits (mustard pickles, beets, pickles)
Located in Summerside
Contact on facebook

Glen Lake Pasture Farm - meat CSA (beef, pork, poultry)
Contact of facebook, see more info on the website
Located in Tarantum
Pick up the first Thursday of the month at the PEI Farm Centre, 420 University Ave
Also available at the Charlottetown Farmers Market, on line from their website and at Kent St Market

Morning Dew Gardens - veggie and flower CSA
Contact on facebook, more info on the website
Located in Warren Grove

Organic Veggie Delivery - veggies, other organic foods and natural products
Contact by phone: 902 659 2575 or email:[email protected]
More info on the website
Home delivery to Charlottetown, Cornwall, Montague and Belfast

Soleil's Farm - veggies, eggs and bread CSA (sold out for 2024)
Contact on facebook, email [email protected]
Located in South Melville (farm shop on site)
This CSA is a collaboration of a number of farms (mostly organic) and V's Flowers
Pick up in Charlottetown at the Farm Centre Thursday evenings between 3 and 6 pm
Pick up at the farm on Friday between 3 and 6 pm.

Sweet Pea Farm - flower CSA
More info on the website
Formerly Seaspray Organics
They deliver to your door and also have a booth at the Charlottetown Farmers Market
More info on the website
Formerly Seaspray Organics
They deliver to your door and also have a booth at the Charlottetown Farmers Market

V's Flowers - Edible and Ornamental flower CSA
Contact on facebook
Pick up in Bonshaw Saturday and Summerside on Tuesday.