The Gleaning Handbook
A training tool for new gleaners and a guide for communities interested in implementing their own gleaning programs.
Gleaning is the "second harvest" collected after the commercial harvest is completed. The produce is shared 1/3rd each to the gleaners, the farmer and to people in need of food.
Local Food Sources
List of CSA's on PEI
List of Community Gardens on PEI
PEI Certified Producers Co-operative - list of certified organic farmers
Growers Station - organic/near organic PEI food hub for institutional or bulk buyers (including community groups)
2024 PEI Local Fresh Produce Map
PEI Sustainable Food Map - a Food Exchange google map showing local food producers, farmers markets, U-Picks and so on.
Resources available on PEI for people seeking emergency food, food delivery and/or community meals:
Hopes for Homes
Hopes for Homes